da Federica Cerruti | 20/07/2016 | Art, Voyages |
Hello at all! Here I am here after a break because of my commitments in my second profession, dubbing. With the month of July do not even get the first sighing holidays! Me and my boyfriend we chose as half Florence, art...
da Federica Cerruti | 20/07/2016 | Art, Voyages |
Ciao a tutti! Eccomi qui dopo una pausa causa i miei impegni nella mia seconda professione, il doppiaggio. Con il mese di luglio sono arrivate anche le prime sospirate vacanze! Io ed il mio fidanzato abbiamo scelto come meta Firenze, tripudio di...
da Federica Cerruti | 10/11/2015 | Fashion, Lifestyle, Shootings |
Suite: Pimkie / Jacket: Pimkie / Nail-polish: Dior Outfit...
da Federica Cerruti | 31/10/2015 | Fashion, Lifestyle, Shootings |
Kimono: Pimkie / Hat: H&M / Bag & Shoes: Pimkie / Make-up: Dior Outfit Kimono: Pimkie / Shirt: Zara / Pants: Pimkie / Hat: H&M / Indie Bag: Eleonora Carisi for Pimkie / Shoes: Pimkie / Necklace: Sophie Charlotte / Make-up: Dior...
da Federica Cerruti | 30/08/2015 | Fashion, Lifestyle, Shootings |
Kimono: Pimkie / Folk Bikini: Pimkie / Make up: Dior Hat: Pimkie / Bag: Pimkie / Shirt: Pimkie Outfit Kimono: Pimkie / Folk Bikini: Pimkie / Lace Shorts: Zara / Hat: Pimkie / Folk Bag: Pimkie / Black Shirt: Pimkie / Boho Collar:...